Ghost Month 2023: DOs and DON’Ts

Ghost Month 2023: DOs and DON’Ts

This year’s Ghost Month begins on August 16 and ends on September 14. In Chinese culture, the seventh lunar month is known as the Ghost Month. During this month, it is believed that the gates of the afterlife are opened, allowing spirits to roam the earthly realm.
Here are some Do’s and Don’ts that are being practiced during this time of the year.
Do’s: Respecting Traditions
  1. Offerings to Ancestors. Create an altar to your ancestors and fill it with gifts like food, incense, and fruits. This gesture expresses appreciation and respect for your family’s heritage.
  2. Burning of Joss paper. Burning joss paper, commonly referred to as “spirit money,” is done to help departed family members in the afterlife. It is thought that the smoke carries these offerings to the afterlife.
  3. Attend traditional performances. To entertain and placate wandering spirits, many villages host opera performances and other cultural events. Attending these performances is respectful way to honor the custom.
  4. Be respectful in public places. During Ghost Month, ghosts may prowl the streets. Walking alone at night requires caution and respect; keep your distance from any temporary shrines or offerings you may come across.
Don’ts: Avoiding Taboos
  1. Avoid big life changes. Starting new businesses or making significant life decisions during Ghost Month is traditionally thought to bring bad luck. It’s recommended to wait until after the month is over to move, get married, or start a new job.
  2. Avoid whistling at night. Whistling is best avoided at night to avoid unintentional disturbances because it is believed to attract ghosts.
  3. Steer clear of water activities. During Ghost Month, drowning incidents are more likely to happen since it is thought that activities involving water could draw hostile spirits. It is advised to avoid swimming or boating during this time.
  4. Don’t disturb offerings. Do not upset spirits if you stumble across offerings or shrines intended for them. This is disrespectful and could enrage spirits that wander.
Ghost Month is a unique and culturally diverse celebration that offers us a window into the spiritual rituals and beliefs of numerous Asian cultures. We can respect the customs associated with this month while appreciating its significance by observing the dos and avoiding the don’ts. Let’s approach Ghost Month in 2023 with an open mind, a respect for others, and a desire to learn from the cultural diversity that makes up our global community.